contemporary Vermont artist


We’re halfway though October here in Vermont, moving from brilliant foliage to stick season. In the meantime, I’ve been in my studio working on a few new pieces. Here’s Tea Time, 16 x 16 in., gouache, Flashe, and paper collage on board, 2021. The first pic is where the piece started (showing the collage underpainting) and the second pic is where the piece ended up, with layers of paint, letting some of the collage shine through. I’m looking forward to passing the new pieces to Stella Quarta Decima (SQD) gallery in Manchester, Vt.

Here’s what’s also happening…a party taking place right in front of our house:


Urban Birds, in place

My mother beat me to it. She and my father visited New York City before I could and visited Convene where four of my works—the commissioned urban birds pieces (see earlier blog post)—now adorn the walls of the 530 Fifth Avenue building. She took some photos for me. Visiting the site for myself is on my list but first, I have to get enough work done for my upcoming solo show at Northern Daughters that I stop having panic attacks.


Up on the Third Floor

I just moved into a new studio, a room on the third floor at Studio Place Arts (SPA). I’ve spent the past ten months at SPA as the resident artist, occupying a small studio on the second floor gratis. I decided, when my residency ended, that I wasn’t ready to leave SPA nor the opportunity of working in a studio separated from my house. Through snow, wind, rain, and sun, I have found that I love walking to and from the studio and home. We live midway up a hill here in Barre, so the walk is not insignificant, in terms of exercise for the legs and lungs. But I do enjoy the trip each time. So, I moved into an available space on the third floor, where I’ll share two-thirds of a large, airy room with fellow artist Athena Petra Tasiopoulos. There’s finally space for my rocking chair and stacks of art books that I can now sit down and read while drinking ginger tea. #whatcouldbebetter

My studio.

My studio.